Kids Month: Three Tips for Healthy Children

Posted by Signature Medical Group on Thursday, July 14, 2016 in Nutrition and Diet

This week, Signature Medical group wants to continue helping parents educate their young ones. Here are some additional tips for healthy children:

Forget soda
Soda is one of the biggest nuisances that can be found around every corner. Water or milk should be your child's only two beverage options. Even juice has way too much sugar for kid's daily intake. The earlier you start this habit with your children, the easier it will be.

Don't forget to stretch
This will be one of the habits that your kids will really appreciate having learned, later on in life. Not only does this help reduce injury during sports, it will promote over all comfort and well-being. Starting this habit early will help prevent chronic back and neck pain later on down the road.

Reduce stress
Although unavoidable, there are ways for parents to not only reduce but, help manage stress and anxiety. You want to teach your kids how to cope, not just simply remove them from all stressful situations. It is best to lead by example: a parent who addresses their anxieties and calmly overcomes will teach their children to do the same.


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  3. nutrition