Caring for Kids with Food Allergies


Posted on Monday, April 15, 2019 in Allergy and Immunology

Food allergies are on the rise in our children. Today, eight food allergens are responsible for the majority of allergic reactions. These foods include cow’s milk, eggs, fish, peanuts, shellfish, soy, tree nuts and wheat. Communication and coordination can help prevent a reaction.

Preventing reactions from food allergies during the school day can be accomplished by collaboration between parents, school officials, physicians, and students themselves.

Educating students, helping them understand their allergy, and providing guidance at every step can help ease their anxieties and fears.

In the world of food allergies, it’s important to recognize symptoms and identify the trigger as early as possible. Putting individualized written plans and 504 plans in place can help keep a child with food allergy safe.

Parents, here are some helpful tips for dealing with food allergies in your children:

Familiarize yourself, family, and friends with your child’s allergic condition
Offer safe snacks for school parties and other events where food (and potential allergens) will be served
Offer to meet with teachers, the school nurse and cafeteria staff before school starts
Drugs have an expiration date, so keep updated emergency medications with the school nurse

Anaphylaxis and Food Action Plans should be updated every year, along with a current photo of the child
Learn to read labels
Learn to use auto-injectables and teach other family members to use these devices in case of an emergency
Eating out should be planned; call restaurants ahead of time and ask about ingredients and food preparation
Riding in a bus with a “no eating policy” should be discussed with school officials
Give guidance to your child about how to deal with bullying and harassment
Yearly check up with your physician before school starts is advised

Some helpful resources about food allergies include:


  1. allergy
  2. food
  3. hamsa subramanian