Nine Reasons To Keep Your Annual OB-GYN Appointment

Posted by Signature Medical Group on Friday, April 14, 2017 in Obstetrics/Gynecology

An annual visit to an OB/GYN may not be among a woman's favorite things. But health experts stress that yearly visits are important for your overall health.

At Signature Medical Group, our OB/GYNs care about your special needs. We offer our obstetrical, gynecological and fertility care with a personalized touch. Our practices are designed to cover you throughout all stages of your life, from the teenage years, to pregnancy, menopause and beyond.

We agree with Penn Medicine, which lists nine reasons to keep your yearly well-woman visits with an OB/GYN:

  1. Talk about birth control. Life changes, and the birth control method that was right for you last year may not be the best for you this year. New options appear all the time. A Signature OB/GYN is the perfect person to talk to in an annual visit.
  2. Preventive care. Women are lucky in that there is a specialized physician to not only deal with our bodies, but also counsel us on ways that we can stay healthy overall. Having the opportunity to discuss everything from our diets to exercise to our mental health with someone that is an expert in treating women is a privilege that should not be missed.
  3. Clinical breast exam. Ideally, we will be giving ourselves self-breast-exams monthly. But it is reassuring to have an expert perform an easy, quick and painless breast exam once a year just to back up the idea that what we are feeling is normal (for us).
  4. Vaccinations. The annual OB/GYN exam is also a good time to go over what vaccinations you may need such as the flu or pneumovax. An important vaccination for young women to get is the HPV vaccine. At a woman's first OB/GYN visit (likely around age 18), it is important to make sure this vaccine is to date if it has not already been given.
  5. Let's talk about sex. Concerns about intercourse for those young and old can be discussed openly at this appointment. Whether it is to talk about sexually transmitted infections, birth control options or even pain during intercourse, your Signature OB/GYN will make you feel comfortable.
  6. So you may have a bit of leaking. Incontinence is not necessarily a subject that women want to talk about. Your Signature OB/GYN can be a first stop for you to discuss options for helping minimize this problem or refer you to someone that specializes in urogynecology.
  7. Discussing your period. Having a conversation about your period can tell your Signature OB/GYN a lot about your health.
  8. Preconception counseling. If you are in the childbearing years, it is important to think ahead and create a healthy environment for you to conceive. Talking with your Signature OB/GYN about vitamin/nutrient intake, family history and lifestyle are important conversations that help lead to a successful pregnancy.
  9. Mental health and wellness. Most women have times where their emotions go astray. Whether it is early in life, postpartum, driven by menopause or for no known reason, it is important to have someone that you can feel comfortable talking to.

At Signature, our OB/GYNs are here to help with any issue that may come up. You're close to us no matter where you are. You can see us throughout the day, including after work and during lunch. So why wait? Call today to make an appointment.